
Availability (Key)#







The table widget is a widget for displaying tabular data. It can be instantiated with the list of headings and then data rows can be added.



import toga

table = toga.Table(['Heading 1', 'Heading 2'])

# Append to end of table'Value 1', 'Value 2')

# Insert to row 2, 'Value 1', 'Value 2')


class toga.widgets.table.Table(headings, id=None, style=None, data=None, accessors=None, multiple_select=False, on_select=None, on_double_click=None, missing_value=None, factory=None)#

A Table Widget allows the display of data in the form of columns and rows.

  • headings (list of str) – The list of headings for the table.

  • id (str) – An identifier for this widget.

  • data (list of tuple) – The data to be displayed on the table.

  • accessors – A list of methods, same length as headings, that describes how to extract the data value for each column from the row. (Optional)

  • style (Style) – An optional style object. If no style is provided` then a new one will be created for the widget.

  • on_select (callable) – A function to be invoked on selecting a row of the table.

  • on_double_click (callable) – A function to be invoked on double clicking a row of the table.

  • missing_value (str or None) – value for replacing a missing value in the data source. (Default: None). When ‘None’, a warning message will be shown.


>>> headings = ['Head 1', 'Head 2', 'Head 3']
>>> data = []
>>> table = Table(headings, data=data)

Data can be in several forms. A list of dictionaries, where the keys match the heading names:

>>> data = [{'head_1': 'value 1', 'head_2': 'value 2', 'head_3': 'value3'}),
>>>         {'head_1': 'value 1', 'head_2': 'value 2', 'head_3': 'value3'}]

A list of lists. These will be mapped to the headings in order:

>>> data = [('value 1', 'value 2', 'value3'),
>>>         ('value 1', 'value 2', 'value3')]

A list of values. This is only accepted if there is a single heading.

>>> data = ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3']

Create a base Toga widget.

This is an abstract base class; it cannot be instantiated.

  • id – The ID for the widget.

  • style – A style object. If no style is provided, a default style will be applied to the widget.

add_column(heading, accessor=None)#

Add a new column to the table.

  • heading (string) – title of the column

  • accessor – accessor of this new column

property data#

The data source of the widget. It accepts table data in the form of list, tuple, or ListSource


Returns a (ListSource).

property missing_value#
property multiple_select#

Does the table allow multiple rows to be selected?

property on_double_click#

The callback function that is invoked when a row of the table is double clicked. The provided callback function has to accept two arguments table (Table) and row (Row or None).

The value of a column of row can be accessed with row.accessor_name


(callable) The callback function.

property on_select#

The callback function that is invoked when a row of the table is selected. The provided callback function has to accept two arguments table (Table) and row (Row or None).

The value of a column of row can be accessed with row.accessor_name


(callable) The callback function.


Remove a table column.


column (int) – accessor or position (>0)


Scroll the view so that the bottom of the list (last row) is visible.


Scroll the view so that the specified row index is visible.


row – The index of the row to make visible. Negative values refer to the nth last row (-1 is the last row, -2 second last, and so on)


Scroll the view so that the top of the list (first row) is visible.

property selection#

The current selection of the table.

A value of None indicates no selection. If the table allows multiple selection, returns a list of selected data nodes. Otherwise, returns a single data node.

The value of a column of the selection can be accessed with selection.accessor_name (for single selection) and with selection[x].accessor_name (for multiple selection)