Number Input#












The Number input is a text input box that is limited to numeric input.



import toga

textbox = toga.NumberInput(min_value=1, max_value=10)


class toga.widgets.numberinput.NumberInput(id=None, style=None, factory=None, step=1, min_value=None, max_value=None, value=None, readonly=False, on_change=None, default=None)#

A NumberInput widget specifies a fixed range of possible numbers. The user has two buttons to increment/decrement the value by a step size. Step, min and max can be integers, floats, or Decimals; They can also be specified as strings, which will be converted to Decimals internally. The value of the widget will be evaluated as a Decimal.

  • id (str) – An identifier for this widget.

  • style (Style) – an optional style object. If no style is provided then a new one will be created for the widget.

  • step (number) – Step size of the adjustment buttons.

  • min_value (number) – The minimum bound for the widget’s value.

  • max_value (number) – The maximum bound for the widget’s value.

  • value (number) – Initial value for the widget

  • readonly (bool) – Whether a user can write/change the number input, defaults to False.

  • on_change (callable) – The handler to invoke when the value changes.

  • **ex

MIN_WIDTH = 100#

Add the provided widgets as children of this widget.

If a node already has a different parent, it will be moved over. This does nothing if a node already is a child of this node.

Raises ValueError if this widget cannot have children.


children – The widgets to add as children of this widget.

property app#

The App to which this widget belongs.

When setting the app for a widget, all children of this widget will be recursively assigned to the same app.

Raises ValueError if the widget is already associated with another app.

property can_have_children#

Determine if the node can have children.

This does not resolve whether there actually are any children; it only confirms whether children are theoretically allowed.

property children#

The children of this node. This always returns a list, even if the node is a leaf and cannot have children.


A list of the children for this widget.

property enabled#

Is the widget currently enabled? i.e., can the user interact with the widget?


Set this widget to have the current input focus.

property id#

The node identifier. This id can be used to target styling directives.

insert(index, child)#

Insert a widget as a child of this widget.

If the node already has a parent, ownership of the widget will be transferred.

Raises ValueError if this node cannot have children.

  • index – The position in the list of children where the new widget should be added.

  • child – The child to insert as a child of this node.

property max_value#

The maximum bound for the widget’s value.


The maximum bound for the widget’s value. If the maximum bound is None, there is no maximum bound.

property min_value#

The minimum bound for the widget’s value.


The minimum bound for the widget’s value. If the minimum bound is None, there is no minimum bound.

property on_change#

The handler to invoke when the value changes.


The function callable that is called on a content change.

property parent#

The parent of this node.


The parent of this node. Returns None if this node is the root node.

property readonly#

Whether a user can write/change the number input.


True if only read is possible. False if read and write is possible.


Refresh the layout and appearance of the tree this node is contained in.


Remove the provided widgets as children of this node.

This does nothing if a given node is not a child of this node.

Raises ValueError if this node is a leaf, and cannot have children.


children – The child nodes to remove.

property root#

The root of the tree containing this node.


The root node. Returns self if this node is the root node.

property step#

The step value for the widget.


The current step value for the widget.

property tab_index#

The position of the widget in the focus chain for the window.

property value#

Current value contained by the widget.


The current value(int) of the widget. Returns None if the field has no value set.

property window#

The window to which this widget belongs.

When setting the window for a widget, all children of this widget will be recursively assigned to the same window.