A slightly less toy exampleΒΆ

Most applications require a little more than a button on a page. Lets build a slightly more complex example - a Fahrenheit to Celsius converter:


Here’s the source code:

import toga

def build(app):
    c_box = toga.Box()
    f_box = toga.Box()
    box = toga.Box()

    c_input = toga.TextInput(readonly=True)
    f_input = toga.TextInput()

    c_label = toga.Label('Celsius', alignment=toga.LEFT_ALIGNED)
    f_label = toga.Label('Fahrenheit', alignment=toga.LEFT_ALIGNED)
    join_label = toga.Label('is equivalent to', alignment=toga.RIGHT_ALIGNED)

    def calculate(widget):
            c_input.value = (float(f_input.value) - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0
            c_input.value = '???'

    button = toga.Button('Calculate', on_press=calculate)




    box.style.set(flex_direction='column', padding_top=10)
    f_box.style.set(flex_direction='row', margin=5)
    c_box.style.set(flex_direction='row', margin=5)

    f_input.style.set(flex=1, margin_left=160)
    c_label.style.set(width=100, margin_left=10)
    f_label.style.set(width=100, margin_left=10)
    join_label.style.set(width=150, margin_right=10)


    return box

def main():
    return toga.App('Temperature Converter', 'org.pybee.f_to_c', startup=build)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This example shows off the use of Flexbox in Toga’s CSS styling. Flexbox is a new layout scheme that is part of the CSS3 specification that corrects the problems with the older box layout scheme in CSS2. Flexbox is not yet universally available in all web browsers, but that doesn’t matter for Toga - Toga provides an implementation of the Flexbox layout scheme. CSS-tricks provides a good tutorial on Flexbox if you’ve never come across it before.

In this example app, we’ve set up an outer box that stacks vertically; inside that box, we’ve put 2 horizontal boxes and a button.

Since there’s no width styling on the horizontal boxes, they’ll try to fit the widgets the contain into the available space. The TextInput widgets have a style of flex=1, but the Label widgets have a fixed width; as a result, the TextInput widgets will be stretched to fit the available horizontal space. The margin and padding terms then ensure that the widgets will be aligned vertically and horizontally.