Let’s build a browser!

Although it’s possible to build complex GUI layouts, you can get a lot of functionality with very little code, utilizing the rich components that are native on modern platforms.

So - lets build a tool that lets our pet yak graze the web - a primitive web browser, in less than 40 lines of code!:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import

import toga

class Graze(toga.App):
    def startup(self):
        container = toga.Container()

        webview = toga.WebView()
        url_input = toga.TextInput('http://pybee.org/')

        go_button = toga.Button('Go', on_press=self.load_page)


        container.constrain(url_input.TOP == container.TOP + 5)
        container.constrain(url_input.LEFT == container.LEFT + 5)
        container.constrain(url_input.RIGHT + 5 == go_button.LEFT)

        container.constrain(go_button.TOP == container.TOP + 5)
        container.constrain(go_button.RIGHT + 5 == container.RIGHT)

        container.constrain(webview.TOP == url_input.BOTTOM + 20)
        container.constrain(webview.BOTTOM == container.BOTTOM)
        container.constrain(webview.RIGHT == container.RIGHT)
        container.constrain(webview.LEFT == container.LEFT)

        app.main_window.content = container

    def load_page(self, widget):
        webview.url = url_input.value

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = Graze('Graze', 'org.pybee.graze')
